Wednesday, October 1, 2008

email vs. postal

Although email and the postal service are similar, I don't think that one could replace the other entirely, nor should they. I am a greeting card sender by email, my friend is totally a snail mail greeting card sender. She argues that handwritten greeting cards are more personal and are genuine, she would never send an thank you card or birthday card by email EVER. I argue that email greeting cards are just as genuine and if it weren't for email greeting cards, I would never send a thank you or birthday card, my verbal "thank you" would have to be enough (possibly a hug with the "thank you" if local). It takes way more time for writing cards, looking up addresses, buying stamps, and then sending them off in the mail box. Golly forbid if you run out of stamps or the postage changes and you need a 1 cent stamp!! Now, if I had just bought the "forever stamp"!!!! It really is that long since the last time I mailed something. But finding the right e-card can be challenging too, but even then it wouldn't take you a fejw days like the postal service would take to send it. For sure email is quicker, more convenient and can be just as meaningful as a handwritten postal mail sent card. I still type notes on the e-card! But some people prefer to send and recieve by snail mail. So for my freinds sake, let there be snail mail!
What I don't understand why businesses and politicians send their ads in the mail, the money they spend on items that just fill the recycle bins and landfills are mindboggling. And I don't read them either, DOES anyone REALLY read them? There has to be something really good that catches my eye before I’ll look. Of course this is Junk Mail and I guess I don't really read the junk emails I get either, delete, delete, delete. In that way, they are definitely the same. I can at least hit delete on email, no landfills or recycling bin to fill.

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